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Philodendron Mamei Care

Philodendron Mamei Care & Maturity

August 16, 2022

The magnificent Philodendron mamei is a tropical perennial creeping plant that grows as ground cover and sometimes creeps up trees true to its epiphytic nature. This plant is a species of plant in the genus Philodendron native to Ecuador. First collected by Europeans in 1882, it has long been cultivated as a houseplant. The mamei has big green heart-shaped leaves with silvery dust markings on leaves as though smeared with fingers, that’s how it has earned the name “Silver Cloud”. The veins run deep, giving the leaves an almost pleated look. The leaves are less leathery than many other fellow species.

Watering: Water when top 2-3" of soil is dry until water drains from bottom of pot. Do not leave sitting in drainage.
Light Requirements: Medium to bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sun to prevent scorching.
Humidity Needs: High, over 60% is ideal. Can be boosted with pebble trays and/or clustering with other humidity lovers. 
Soil Preference: 
Requires a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter that allows water retention but helps prevent root rot. A peat-based soil mix with additional perlite and/or orchid bark is ideal. 
Regularly apply a well-balanced fertilizer every 1-2 weeks during spring/summer months.
Repot in early spring/summer when soil is too compact or there are exposed roots. Repot a minimum of every 2-3 years to ensure soil nutrients.
Pet Safe: No
Common Issues:
 Overwatering leading to root rot and underwatering are the most common issues for maintaining a healthy Philodendron. Yellowing/discolored leaves = overwatering, brown/crispy leaves = underwatering. Spider mites and mealy bugs are also common pests.

Mature Philodendron Mamei

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